Wednesday, January 20, 2010


On day +25 we finally engrafted! That's good news. It means by body has accepted Andrew's bone marrow and it has moved into the bones where it belongs. It has started to divide and I was able to go home. I am feeling great. All I know from here on out is dr. visits with a blood draw. I am so excited that i'm done with chemo and radiation; hopefully for life.

It's wonderful to be home and to be able to see my husband. It's a great feeling!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Update on Transplant

Since it is 12:30 am I can officially call today day plus 19, meaning that it has been 19 days since the transplant. We are experiencing signs that the engraftment will occur any day now. My long bones have been aching (legs and arms) which means the cells are trying to get into where the bone marrow goes.

Along with that, I have decided that since most of my mouth sores are gone I would try solid food. The radiation that I had burned off my taste buds so everything pretty much tastes the same to me. I eat some solid food but I'm also on IV nutrition that keeps getting reduced. This is good since once I engraft it makes me be able to go home sooner.

The hospital is slowly turning off my pain pump, but they also don't want my body to have withdrawals or for me to be in pain so it's been slow progress. I am managing to take all of my meds orally right now. All that is except the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. Once my ANC (absolute neutrophill count) is 500 most of the anti drugs go away automatically.

Everything so far has been great improvement. The Dr. say that I'm within the top 3 % that they have ever seen. I haven't had any unwanted side effects (yet- knock on wood). I have both good days and bad. Most of all I just really want to go home at this point. I can't wait to engraft. I'm doing all I can the rest is up to the Lord.

Well thanks for tuning in, but that's all for now.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

0 + 14

We are officially on day 14 from receiving the transplant. All is well. The doctors have told me that I'm in the top three percent of the patients that they see. I guess this would mean that I have less complications and symptoms or less sever symptoms than the other patients that they see. I was excited to hear that and so was the rest of the family. Like family and friends we have a guessing game going on to find out when I'll engraft. Well, the Doctors are having that same guessing game amongst themselves. One thinks that it will happen at the end of this week, another think the following week. So I'm just playing a waiting game.

I have mouth sores that hurt like crazy, but they seem to be doing better. I could not eat or swallow anything for a while so they put me on IV foods ( lipids, and vitamins mixed with water)

My throat is feeling tons better now I can swallow and I ate my first solid food today. It was jello! I love frozen jello.

My long bones hurt, which I hear is a good sign. This shows potential for engraftment.

Well all is well with the cancer patient- Know an update on Kade's life

Kade started school today. He is in the police academy, so this round being the second round will be more hands on. Kade loves to shoot so this period of school should fly by for him. I also believe that It will prove that he is the best in his class ( no offense guys).

Well enough about us. Thanks for all your love and support in every way possible.